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About Upland Inn Hunts
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About Upland Inn Hunts

Upland Inn Hunts started in 2005 as a research facility to work with universities and their grad students to find ways to increase upland game bird numbers. With many parts of the US having seen dramatic decreases in their pheasant and quail populations, we wanted to make sure that we invested in the research and habitat to make sure upland game birds would continue to thrive in the Great Plains. With our 12,000 acres, including 21 CRP fields we had the unique opportunity to focus on habitat on a large scale range. By utilizing controlled burns, strip disking, inter-seeding, food plots, and many other habitat maintenance treatments, our goals are to provide everything a game bird needs to thrive (from nesting to brood rearing to over winter survival). By strategically placing our CRP fields around pivot irrigated corn, milo, wheat, and bean fields, we can provide the nesting and roosting cover directly next to a food source that a pheasant desires. We have found that having pivot irrigated agriculture fields bordering our CRP fields helps with survival even during the dryer years.

Located near Greensburg, KS, we are located about 1 hour and 45 minutes west of Wichita, KS, or 45 minutes east of Dodge City, KS. The sandy farm soils of our area provide the perfect mix of CRP, agriculture, and sand hill plum pastures that all wildlife flourish in.

Our CRP fields range from 80 acres to 320 acres in size, providing plentiful habitat. We have several pivot corners enrolled in the CRP program as well. With each field having multiple food plots, the pheasants flock into these prime habitat areas during the hunting season. We have seen up to 800 pheasants during a 4 hour hunt on our best days. We recently set a record on our road side count surveys with 307 pheasants spotted in the 1 hour prior to sunset (survey was taken on September 22nd).

With over 11 years of research data to help with our habitat decision making, we feel we can provide as good of wild pheasant hunting as anywhere you can find in the world. We also noticed that other wildlife have responded positively to our habitat program, with quail, deer, turkey, rabbits, and many non game species having more than tripled versus pre habitat improvement numbers. While we are most proud of the quality of our habitat, and the responding bird numbers, we want to make sure you have the ultimate hunting experience by providing excellent lodging and accommodations along with top notch meals to make this the hunt of your dreams. Our quality pointing and flushing dogs will add the icing to the cake for your dream hunt.